ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Garold E. Zborovsky Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
ORCID ID=0000-0001-8153-0561
Polina A. Ambarova Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
ORCID ID=0000-0003-3613-4003
Scientific and Pedagogical Community of Russia Universities as an Object of Resource Mobilisation.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2023. Vol. 14. No. 4. P. 271-287

The study was supported by RSF, grant No. 23-28-00028,

Дата поступления статьи: 19.05.2023
Topic: Educational system: resources and development potential

For citation:
Zborovsky G. E., Ambarova P. A. Scientific and Pedagogical Community of Russia Universities as an Object of Resource Mobilisation. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2023. Vol. 14. No. 4. P. 271-287


The article is devoted to a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of mobilisational management of the resources of the scientific and pedagogical community (SPC) of Russian universities. The focus was placed on the concepts of NPS resource capacity and its mobilisation as one of the models of university management. The purpose of the article is to reveal the potential of theories of resource mobilisation, social community, resource concepts in the conceptualisation of the notion of mobilisation of NPS resource сapacity. The authors consider the main ideas and theses of theories developed in branches of sociological knowledge other than the sociology of higher education, and adapt them to the context of university management of the NPS. The authors´ interpretation of the concept of NPS as a social community and socio-professional community has been updated in the light of resource concepts. The content of the concept of NPS resource capacity is discussed as a set of opportunities into which a given university community converts the means and methods of its professional activities, as well as the associated properties inherent in scientific and pedagogical workers as a socio-professional community. One of the main results of the article is related to the substantiation of the approach to the classification of NPS resources.

It is proposed to identify and take into account in university management practices the following five blocks of resources - socio-demographic (quantitative, age, gender resources); scientific research (research, publication, temporal resources); pedagogical (educational and pedagogical resources, advanced scientific and pedagogical qualifications, mentoring); resources for interaction between scientific and pedagogical workers (RPWs) and scientific teams (communication, resource of scientific schools and teams); moral-symbolic (symbolic and moral-ideological resources). Mobilisational university management is considered as a strategy for managing research and development staff, which involves concentrating the resources and efforts of academic staff on strategic directions and tasks of university development. As prerequisites for such a management approach, it is substantiated to take into account and update the processes of self-organisation of the NPS as a complex and highly professional community, to restore understanding, trust, and solidarity between it and the administrative and managerial corps of universities. The question is raised about the actors in the mobilisation of NPS resources, who must have a deep knowledge of the sources, features and patterns of functioning of the resources of the academic community. In conclusion, the article discusses the issue of demand in university management for a scientifically based approach to mobilisation management of NPS resources and the readiness of the administrative and managerial apparatus to use it.


scientific and pedagogical community, resource capacity of the scientific and pedagogical community, mobilisation of the resource capacity of the scientific and pedagogical community, universities

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